We'll remain after everything's been washed away by the rain
We will stand upright as we stand today
You left a lovestain on my heart
And you left a bloodstain on the ground
But blood comes off easily...
Quina gran cançó!
M'estic enamorant del José González (avui no hi ha cap dibuix, l'època d'exàmens és poc productiva...)
I tampoc cal desmerèixer la cançó que em va agradar més del concert d'ahir:
...the spiderman is having you for dinner tonight"
and I feel like I'm being eaten
by a thousand million shivering furry holes
and I know that in the morning I will wake up
in the shivering cold
and the spiderman is always hungry...
"Come into my parlour", said the spider to the fly... "I have something here for you"
(Lullaby dels The Cure cantada per en Tom Smith, el cantant dels Editors mentre estava a punt de morir damunt del piano...)