dissabte, 29 de desembre del 2007

Tides of the Moon (Mercury Rev)

The threads that run through your life
Hand from your sleeve
Wind through your soul
The kind you can't control
The kind you can't conceive
The kind you can't believe
But wish you could break
Wish you could weave
I wish you could see
It ties you to me
And you fly in the face of the sun
And you float in the tides of the moon

divendres, 28 de desembre del 2007

Últims cd's que m'he comprat(part d'ells)...

Killing Joke -laugh? I nearly bought one!

Nick Cave - Murder Ballads

The Detroit Cobras - Tied & True

              • White Cowbell Oklahoma - Casa Diablo

The Penelope[s] -
The arrogance of simplicity

Menomena - Friend and Foe